
Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Things aren't looking too good for this cycle. I tested again this morning and got another BFN, also my temperature dropped quite a bit this morning. Still not below baseline, but I think AF is on her way. I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself at the moment. I know that it's not over yet, but I really think I should have had a positive test by now.


  1. I'm so sorry, Francie. I know how hard the disappointment at the end of a cycle is to deal with and somehow I think that the failure on the first of a particular treatment is even harder. I mean, naturally you go in optimistic and with hope that the treatment will work and it is a let down when it doesn't... But take heart, just because it didn't work this time doesn't mean it won't next.... I know that words are sort of empty right now, but try to keep your chin up. Here's to next month and another chance at the bfp! Big hugs...

  2. I was going to write basically what Jules has already written! She beat me to it! But she's right, you just have to try to stay positive for next cycle. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you this time.

  3. Don't give up yet. My temp did a slight drop and we didn't get a positive until 16DPO. It is still possible!!

  4. Jules said it so well. Just because it didn't work this time, doesn't mean your little one isn't waiting right around the corner.

    I'm sorry...
