
Friday, March 26, 2010

CD 26 - 11DP IUI

I tested this morning at 11DPO with a First Response - negatory. I'd been "testing out" the HCG trigger and still had a faint positive 2 days ago, but today it was stark white. I'm having some symptoms but nothing I haven't felt before. I've had cramping on and off the last few days. It ain't over till "flo" shows up, though. After the last post, my temperature did go up. It just took a few extra days for some reason. We'll see how it goes over the weekend. If I'm not pregnant, I expect Aunt Flo on Sunday. If not, I'll have a beta on Monday morning. I'll check back in one way or the other!


  1. Not over yet! Hang in there. I didn't get a positive until the night of 12 dpo.

  2. That's reassuring! I got another negative this morning and my temp has dropped a little more (down to 98.2).
