
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

FET #2 is (almost) on the books!

You-know-who made her arrival today, so we're now all systems go for FET #2.  I have to go for a "uterine sound" tomorrow (I guess that's what they call a trial transfer) and then a hysteroscopy and bloodwork on Monday.  I imagine I'll be starting BCP's next week as well.  Not getting my hopes up this time.  I've had a terrible few days.  I got stuck on a flooded road on Monday and my car died.  It turns out that water got into the engine and now I need a new engine.  I was shocked to hear that news, especially since my car is only 3 years old.  So, I've been spending the last 2 days on the phone with my insurance company, the mechanic, rental car company etc.  Work is also going pretty badly with lots of stress and problematic cases.  If this one works it will be a true miracle.  I imagine it will be sometime in late September or early October, but I guess I'll find out next week.  Is anyone still reading?  Comments have been light lately (though I've been a bad commenter too - sorry).


  1. Yeah, FET, and yeah to new beginnings (except for your car situation).

    Do you plan to transfer more than one next time?

  2. oh, that's such a bummer about your car -- but it would be covered under insurance wouldn't it if it's only three years old? they better pay out for a brand new one!

    good luck with your fet...i hope that it all works out and ends in a big, fat positive!

  3. That is terrible about your car, ugh.

    I am wishing you the very best for your upcoming FET.

  4. I'm excited for your FET! I wish you all the luck in the world! How many are you transferring?

  5. Sorry about your car troubles. :( Yay for FET though! I understand about not wanting to get your hopes up, but I'm hopeful for you!
